VoxelGeneratorGraph nodes

This page lists all nodes that can be used in VoxelGeneratorGraph and VoxelGraphFunction.



Outputs: value

Outputs values from the custom input having the same name as the node. May be used in VoxelGraphFunction. It won't be used in VoxelGeneratorGraph.


Outputs: sdf

Outputs the existing signed distance at the current voxel. This may only be used in specific situations, such as using the graph as a procedural brush.


Outputs: x

Outputs the X coordinate of the current voxel.


Outputs: y

Outputs the Y coordinate of the current voxel.


Outputs: z

Outputs the Z coordinate of the current voxel.



Inputs: x Outputs: out Parameters: curve

Returns the value of a custom curve at coordinate x, where x is in the range [0..1]. The curve is specified with a Curve resource.


Inputs: x, y Outputs: out Parameters: image

Returns the value of the red channel of an image at coordinates (x, y), where x and y are in pixels and the return value is in the range [0..1] (or more if the image has an HDR format). If coordinates are outside the image, they will be wrapped around. No filtering is performed. The image must have an uncompressed format.



Inputs: x Outputs: out

If x is negative, returns x as a positive number. Otherwise, returns x.


Inputs: x, min, max Outputs: out

If x is lower than min, returns min. If x is higher than max, returns max. Otherwise, returns x.


Inputs: x Outputs: out Parameters: min, max

If x is lower than min, returns min. If x is higher than max, returns max. Otherwise, returns x. This node is an alternative to Clamp, used internally as an optimization if min and max are constant.


Outputs: out Parameters: expression

Evaluates a math expression. Variable names can be written as inputs of the node. Some functions can be used, but they must be supported graph nodes in the first place, as the expression will be converted to nodes internally. Available functions:

stepify(x, step)
wrap(x, length)
min(a, b)
max(a, b)
clamp(x, min, max)
lerp(a, b, ratio)


Inputs: x Outputs: out

Returns the result of floor(x), the nearest integer that is equal or lower to x.


Inputs: x Outputs: out

Returns the decimal part of x. The result is always positive regardless of sign.


Inputs: a, b Outputs: out

Returns the highest value between a and b.


Inputs: a, b Outputs: out

Returns the lowest value between a and b.


Inputs: a, b, ratio Outputs: out

Interpolates between a and b, using parameter value t. If t is 0, a will be returned. If t is 1, b will be returned. If t is beyond the [0..1] range, the returned value will be an extrapolation.


Inputs: x, p Outputs: out

Returns the result of the power function (x ^ power). It can be relatively slow.


Inputs: x Outputs: out Parameters: power

Returns the result of the power function (x ^ power), where the exponent is a constant positive integer. May be faster than Pow.


Inputs: x Outputs: out Parameters: min0, max0, min1, max1

For an input value x in the range [min0, max0], converts linearly into the [min1, max1] range. For example, if x is min0, then min1 will be returned. If x is max0, then max1 will be returned. If x is beyond the [min0, max0] range, the result will be an extrapolation.


Inputs: a, b, t Outputs: out Parameters: threshold

If t is lower than threshold, returns a. Otherwise, returns b.


Inputs: x Outputs: out

Returns the result of sin(x)


Inputs: x Outputs: out Parameters: edge0, edge1

Returns the result of smoothly interpolating the value of x between 0 and 1, based on the where x lies with respect to the edges egde0 and edge1. The return value is 0 if x <= edge0, and 1 if x >= edge1. If x lies between edge0 and edge1, the returned value follows an S-shaped curve that maps x between 0 and 1. This S-shaped curve is the cubic Hermite interpolator, given by f(y) = 3*y^2 - 2*y^3 where y = (x-edge0) / (edge1-edge0).


Inputs: x Outputs: out

Returns the square root of x. Note: unlike classic square root, if x is negative, this function returns 0 instead of NaN.


Inputs: x, step Outputs: out

Snaps x to a given step, similar to GDScript's function stepify.


Inputs: x, length Outputs: out

Wraps x between 0 and length, similar to GDScript's function wrapf(x, 0, max). Note: if length is 0, this node will return NaN. If it happens, it should not crash, but results will be messed up.



Parameters: text

A rectangular area with a description, to help organizing a graph.


Outputs: value Parameters: value

Outputs a constant number.


Parameters: _function

Runs a custom function, like a re-usable sub-graph. The first parameter (parameter 0) of this node is a reference to a VoxelGraphFunction. Further parameters (starting from 1) are those exposed by the function.


Inputs: in Outputs: out

Pass-through node, allowing to better organize the path of long connections.



Inputs: x, y Outputs: out Parameters: noise

Returns computation of 2D noise at coordinates (x, y) using the FastNoiseLite library. The noise parameter is specified with an instance of the ZN_FastNoiseLite resource. Note: this node might be a little faster than Noise2D.


Inputs: x, y Outputs: out Parameters: noise

Returns computation of 2D SIMD noise at coordinates (x, y) using the FastNoise2 library. The noise parameter is specified with an instance of the FastNoise2 resource. This is the fastest noise currently supported.


Inputs: x, y, z Outputs: out Parameters: noise

Returns computation of 3D SIMD noise at coordinates (x, y, z) using the FastNoise2 library. The noise parameter is specified with an instance of the FastNoise2 resource. This is the fastest noise currently supported.


Inputs: x, y, z Outputs: out Parameters: noise

Returns computation of 3D noise at coordinates (x, y, z) using the FastNoiseLite library. The noise parameter is specified with an instance of the ZN_FastNoiseLite resource. Note: this node might be a little faster than Noise3D.


Inputs: x, y Outputs: out_x, out_y Parameters: noise

Warps 2D coordinates (x, y) using a noise gradient from the FastNoiseLite library. The noise parameter is specified with an instance of the FastNoiseLiteGradient resource.


Inputs: x, y, z Outputs: out_x, out_y, out_z Parameters: noise

Warps 3D coordinates (x, y, z) using a noise gradient from the FastNoiseLite library. The noise parameter is specified with an instance of the FastNoiseLiteGradient resource.


Inputs: x, y Outputs: out Parameters: noise

Returns 2D noise at coordinates (x, y) using one of the Noise subclasses provided by Godot.


Inputs: x, y, z Outputs: out Parameters: noise

Returns 3D noise at coordinates (x, y, z) using one of the Noise subclasses provided by Godot.


Inputs: x, y, spot_radius Outputs: out Parameters: seed, cell_size, jitter

Cellular noise optimized for "ore patch" generation: divides space into a 2D grid where each cell contains a circular "spot". Returns 1 when the position is inside the spot, 0 otherwise. jitter more or less randomizes the position of the spot inside each cell. Limitation: high jitter can make spots clip with cell borders. This is intentional. If you need more generic cellular noise, use another node.


Inputs: x, y, z, spot_radius Outputs: out Parameters: seed, cell_size, jitter

Cellular noise optimized for "ore patch" generation: divides space into a 3D grid where each cell contains a circular "spot". Returns 1 when the position is inside the spot, 0 otherwise. jitter more or less randomizes the position of the spot inside each cell. Limitation: high jitter can make spots clip with cell borders. This is intentional. If you need more generic cellular noise, use another node.



Inputs: a, b Outputs: out

Returns the sum of a and b


Inputs: a, b Outputs: out

Returns the result of a / b. Note: dividing by zero outputs NaN. It should not cause crashes, but will likely mess up results. Consider using Multiply when possible.


Inputs: a, b Outputs: out

Returns the result of a * b.


Inputs: a, b Outputs: out

Returns the result of a - b



Inputs: value

Sets the value of the custom output having the same name as the node. May be used in VoxelGraphFunction. It won't be used in VoxelGeneratorGraph.


Inputs: sdf

Sets the Signed Distance Field value of the current voxel.


Inputs: index

Sets the texture index of the current voxel. This is an alternative to using OutputWeight nodes, if your voxels only have one texture. This is easier to use but does not allow for long gradients. Using this node in combination with OutputWeight is not supported.


Inputs: type

Sets the TYPE index of the current voxel. This is for use with VoxelMesherBlocky. If you use this output, you don't need to use OutputSDF.


Inputs: weight Parameters: layer

Sets the value of a specific texture weight for the current voxel. The texture is specified as an index with the layer parameter. There can only be one output using a given layer index.



Inputs: x, y, z Outputs: sdf Parameters: size_x, size_y, size_z

Returns the signed distance field of an axis-aligned box centered at the origin, of size (size_x, size_y, size_z), at coordinates (x, y, z).


Inputs: y, height Outputs: sdf

Returns the signed distance field of a plane facing the Y axis located at a given height, at coordinate y.


Inputs: value Parameters: min_value, max_value, fraction_period, mode

Debug node, not used in the final result. In the editor, shows a slice of the values emitted from the output it is connected to, according to boundary [min_value, max_value]. The slice will be either along the XY plane or the XZ plane, depending on current settings.


Inputs: a, b Outputs: sdf Parameters: smoothness

Subtracts signed distance field b from a, using the same smoothing as with the SdfSmoothUnion node.


Inputs: a, b Outputs: sdf Parameters: smoothness

Returns the smooth union of two signed distance field values a and b. Smoothness is controlled with the smoothness parameter. Higher smoothness will create a larger "weld" between the shapes formed by the two inputs.


Inputs: x, y, z Outputs: sdf Parameters: radius

Returns the signed distance field of a sphere centered at the origin, of given radius, at coordinates (x, y, z).


Inputs: x, y, z Outputs: sdf Parameters: image, radius, factor

Returns an approximation of the signed distance field of a spherical heightmap, at coordinates (x, y, z). The heightmap is an image using panoramic projection, similar to those used for environment sky in Godot. The radius of the sphere is specified with radius. The heights from the heightmap can be scaled using the factor parameter. The image must use an uncompressed format.


Inputs: x, y, z Outputs: sdf Parameters: radius1, radius2

Returns the signed distance field of a torus centered at the origin, facing the Y axis, at coordinates (x, y, z). The radius of the ring is radius1, and its thickness is radius2.



Inputs: x0, y0, x1, y1 Outputs: out

Returns the distance between two 2D points (x0, y0) and (x1, y1).


Inputs: x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1 Outputs: out

Returns the distance between two 3D points (x0, y0, z0) and (x1, y1, z1).


Inputs: x, y, z Outputs: nx, ny, nz, len

Returns the normalized coordinates of the given (x, y, z) 3D vector, such that the length of the output vector is 1.