
Inherits: Resource

Specialization of cellular noise intented for cheap "ore patch" generation or deterministic point scattering.


Divides space into a grid where each cell contains a circular "spot". Noise evaluation returns 1 when the position is inside a spot, 0 otherwise.

Limitation: high jitter can make spots clip with cell borders. This is expected. If you need higher quality (but slower) results, you may use another noise library such as FastNoiseLite.


Type Name Default
float cell_size 32.0
float jitter 0.9
int seed 1337
float spot_radius 3.0


Return Signature
float get_noise_2d ( float x, float y ) const
float get_noise_2dv ( Vector2 pos ) const
float get_noise_3d ( float x, float y, float z ) const
float get_noise_3dv ( Vector3 pos ) const
PackedVector2Array get_spot_positions_in_area_2d ( Rect2 rect ) const
PackedVector3Array get_spot_positions_in_area_3d ( AABB aabb ) const

Property Descriptions

float cell_size = 32.0

(This property has no documentation)

float jitter = 0.9

(This property has no documentation)

int seed = 1337

(This property has no documentation)

float spot_radius = 3.0

(This property has no documentation)

Method Descriptions

float get_noise_2d( float x, float y )

(This method has no documentation)

float get_noise_2dv( Vector2 pos )

(This method has no documentation)

float get_noise_3d( float x, float y, float z )

(This method has no documentation)

float get_noise_3dv( Vector3 pos )

(This method has no documentation)

PackedVector2Array get_spot_positions_in_area_2d( Rect2 rect )

(This method has no documentation)

PackedVector3Array get_spot_positions_in_area_3d( AABB aabb )

(This method has no documentation)

Generated on Apr 06, 2024