
Inherits: VoxelStream

Loads and saves blocks to region files indexed by world position, under a directory.


Loads and saves blocks to the filesystem, in multiple region files indexed by world position, under a directory. Regions pack many blocks together, so it reduces file switching and improves performance. Inspired by Seed of Andromeda and Minecraft.

Region files are not thread-safe. Because of this, internal mutexing may often constrain the use by one thread only.


Type Name Default
int block_size_po2 4
String directory ""
int lod_count 1
int region_size_po2 4
int sector_size 512


Return Signature
void convert_files ( Dictionary new_settings )
Vector3 get_region_size ( ) const

Property Descriptions

int block_size_po2 = 4

(This property has no documentation)

String directory = ""

Directory under which the data is saved.

int lod_count = 1

(This property has no documentation)

int region_size_po2 = 4

(This property has no documentation)

int sector_size = 512

(This property has no documentation)

Method Descriptions

void convert_files( Dictionary new_settings )

(This method has no documentation)

Vector3 get_region_size( )

(This method has no documentation)

Generated on Apr 06, 2024