
Inherits: VoxelBlockyModel

Generates a model based on a custom mesh.


VoxelMesherBlocky does not require models to be cubes. Ultimately, model visuals are all meshes. This is the most versatile option to make a model. The workflow is to make these models in a 3D editor such as Blender, making sure they are confined in a box going from (0,0) to (1,1). Textures are assigned with classic UV-mapping.


Type Name Default
Mesh mesh
int mesh_ortho_rotation_index 0

Property Descriptions

Mesh mesh

(This property has no documentation)

int mesh_ortho_rotation_index = 0

Orthogonal rotation applied to the mesh when baking. Values are taken from the same convention as GridMap tiles.

(GridMap provides a conversion method from Basis, unfortunately it is not a static method so it requires a GridMap instance to exist. A helper method could be added in the future if requested)

Generated on Apr 06, 2024