
Inherits: VoxelGenerator


This class is marked as experimental. It is subject to likely change or possible removal in future versions. Use at your own discretion.

Scriptable generator working on columns of blocks and multiple passes.


This generator can be implemented with a script to generate terrain in columns of blocks instead of only block by block.

It allows to use multiple passes, where every pass can access results of the previous ones, and allowing access to neighbor columns.

The height of columns is not infinite, but it is possible to define what generates above and below, using a single-pass per-block fallback.

It may only be used with VoxelTerrain.


Type Name Default
int column_base_y_blocks -4
int column_height_blocks 8
int pass_count 1


Return Signature
void _generate_block_fallback ( VoxelBuffer out_buffer, Vector3i origin_in_voxels ) virtual
void _generate_pass ( VoxelToolMultipassGenerator voxel_tool, int pass_index ) virtual
int _get_used_channels_mask ( ) virtual const
VoxelBuffer[] debug_generate_test_column ( Vector2i column_position_blocks )
int get_pass_extent_blocks ( int pass_index ) const
void set_pass_extent_blocks ( int pass_index, int extent )


  • MAX_PASSES = 4

Property Descriptions

int column_base_y_blocks = -4

Lowest altitude of columns, in blocks.

int column_height_blocks = 8

Height of columns, in blocks.

int pass_count = 1

Number of passes columns will go through before being considered fully generated. More passes increases memory and processing cost.

Method Descriptions

void _generate_block_fallback( VoxelBuffer out_buffer, Vector3i origin_in_voxels )

Called for every block to generate above or below the column-based region. For example you can decide to generate air above, and bedrock below.

void _generate_pass( VoxelToolMultipassGenerator voxel_tool, int pass_index )

Called once per pass for every column of blocks.

The passed voxel_tool must be used to get information about the area to generate, and fill/edit this area with voxels. Important: do not keep this object in a member variable for later re-use. You can only use it in the current call to this method.

You may use pass_index to do something different in each pass. For example, 0 could be base ground with Perlin noise, 1 could plant trees and other structures.

int _get_used_channels_mask( )

Use this to indicate which channels your generator will use. It returns a bitmask, so for example you may provide information like this: (1 << channel1) | (1 << channel2)

VoxelBuffer[] debug_generate_test_column( Vector2i column_position_blocks )

Testing method that will fully generate all blocks of a specific column, and returns them.

This function doesn't use any threads and doesn't use the internal cache, so it will be very slow. However, it allows to test or debug your script more easily, using an isolated scene for example.

int get_pass_extent_blocks( int pass_index )

Gets how many blocks a pass can access around it (note: a block is 16x16x16 voxels by default).

void set_pass_extent_blocks( int pass_index, int extent )

Sets how many blocks a pass can access around columns when they generate (note: a block is 16x16x16 voxels by default).

By design, the first pass is not allowed to access neighbors, so it will remain 0.

Following passes are designed to access at least 1 block away. Such passes don't support 0 because it would be the same as simply putting your logic in a previous pass.

Increasing extent will also increase the cost of the generator, both in memory and processing time, so it should be balanced with caution.

Generated on Apr 06, 2024